Aftercare Instructions

• Remove your wrap after 1 hour.

• As soon as you remove your wrap, give your new tattoo a good, thorough clean with warm water and antibacterial soap and then rinse with cold water.

• Pat-dry your tattoo with a clean towel.

• Apply a thin coat of Aquaphor on your tattoo, massaging the ointment into the skin for about 3-5 minutes. Repeat the washing and ointment steps 3-4 times a day for the next 3-4 days. After day 3-4 you may now switch to unscented lotion (we recommend Eucerin healing lotion) until your tattoo is completely healed


• Properly wash hands any time prior to touching your new tattoo throughout the entire healing process.

• Use clean bed linen and towels throughout the entire healing process

• Avoid sun exposure.

• Avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, baths, lakes, etc.

• Choose clothing carefully

• Allow up to 2 weeks for healing.

Normal side effects for the first couple days after a tattoo are:

• Swelling, redness, hotness in the area, pain or tenderness

• You can apply an ice pack if needed


You can contact me with any concerns you may have.

Please consult a physician if you notice any signs of infection or allergic reaction such as a bumpy rash, pus, chills or fever, prolonged redness or swelling, worsening pain.